Two New Kids' Workshops in March and April to Celebrate Spring and Mother's Day! Plus, Our Foundational Pottery Wheel Class For Adults Starts Tuesday, and It Still Has Spots Open!

Springtime is just around the corner, which means it’s time to get little hands busy celebrating by creating! We’ve got two different kids’ workshops planned to do just that. Join instructor Brooke Fawley to celebrate the return of brighter days and the first flowers popping up by making a blossom-shaped tea-light candle holder out of clay in the one-day workshop Terrific Tea Lights in March! Then, in April, kids can join us for a 2-part Mother’s Day workshop, Teacups for Mom!

Hello, Friends of the Staunton Clayground!

The season of new growth and renewal is just around the corner, which means it’s time to get little hands busycelebrating springtime by creating! We’ve got two different kids’ workshops planned to do just that.

Join instructor Brooke Fawley to celebrate the return of brighter days and the first flowers popping up by making a blossom-shaped tea-light holder out of clay! Terrific Tea Lights is A One-Day Kids’ Workshop for ages 7 to 12, taking place on a Saturday morning from 10:00–11:30 a.m., on March 29, 2025.

Pick-up in time for Easter, not to mention Mother’s Day!

Making this flower-like vessel will teach attendees the basics of handbuilding using clay, plus they are a lot of fun! Brooke will help students to pick a glaze color that compliments their pieces, and they will come back on Saturday, April 12, to pick up their finished, fired tea-light holders, well in time for Easter and for Mother’s Day! Make Mom a gift that will brighten not only her day, but her every evening!

Then, in April, kids can join us for another Kids’ Workshop! A Teacup for Mom: A Three-Hour Mother’s Day Workshop In Two Parts (Ages 8–12) – Saturday afternoons, 1:00–2:30 pm, April 12 & 26, 2025.

Tea? Coffee? Whatever Mom wants to put in it, it will be sure to be flavored with love!

Kids will have a chance to make a handmade gift from the heart, as well as a great chance to learn and build on foundational skills for crafting functional handbuilt pottery. In the first session, instructor Brooke Fawley will teach attendees how to build a teacup by hand out of clay. During the second session, kids will get to paint their teacups with underglazes, adding designs of their choosing. Pickup at 1:00 pm on Saturday, May 3… in time for Mother’s Day! What better way to tell Mom you appreciate her than by “treating” her to a nice cup of tea?

What’s going on for grown-ups, you ask? Well, we have quite a few wheel throwing and handbuilding classes and workshops starting over the next several weeks. In fact, you could still join us for our very next class, starting this coming week: Foundational Pottery Wheel For All Levels – Beginner and Up: Mastering And Building On Basic Skills: Tuesday evenings, 5:00–7:15, March 11–April 29, 2025.

Grown-ups need playtime, too!

Come join instructor Valya Boutenko to learn the foundational skills you need to throw functional pottery on the wheel! Students will gain confidence while  centering clay and throwing basic forms such as cylinders, cups andbowls. The class will focus on mastering the simple throwing and trimming techniques you need to begin creating your own work on your own, and will cover pulling handles for mugs as well as glazing techniques.

First-time beginners are welcome!

Not the right time/day for you? Check out the comprehensive list of our upcoming classes and workshops to see them all and find your perfect fit!

We have so many great things in the works. Look out for a new newsletter with even more fun to be had, coming very soon!

We can’t wait for you to come clay with us! 😃

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