Handbuilding, One-Day Workshops, Workshops, Cary Dahl Jennifer Delare Handbuilding, One-Day Workshops, Workshops, Cary Dahl Jennifer Delare

Handbuild A Teapot, A Set of Mugs & A Kitchen Suite! Choose between 1-day and 4-week workshops and a variety of days and times!

March 20 will be the first day of spring! 😍 Are you ready? Staunton Clayground sure is, and we are ready to celebrate its arrival with a host of new, fun offerings!

Handbuild A Teapot, A Set of Mugs & A Kitchen Suite!

Starting on March 19 we are launching two new one-day handbuilding workshops and another one in April that lasts four-weeks! Read the blog post to learn more!

Hello, dear Friends of the Staunton Clayground!

March 20 will be the first day of spring! 😍 Are you ready? We sure are, and we are ready to celebrate its arrival with a host of new, fun offerings!

Starting on March 19 we are launching two new one-day handbuilding workshops and another one in April that lasts four-weeks!

No prior clay experience required to build this lovely teapot!

The first is Handbuild a Teapot – A One-Day Workshop in March 2025! Creating a teapot using a pottery wheel is reserved for the seasoned potter with lots of experience. Using hand building techniques, however, even a beginner can create a teapot to be proud of! You will choose a glaze color from several options and pick up your glazed and fired teapot 1-2 weeks later.

Choose from three different day/time options: Wednesday morning, March 19, 9:00–12:00 noon; Thursday evening, March 20, 5:30–8:30; and Sunday afternoon, March 23, 2:30–5:30.

Yes, you can build these in one day, even if you’ve never played with clay before!

The second is Handbuild A Set Of Mugs – A One-Day Workshop In March 2025. As with a teapot, creating mugs using a pottery wheel takes practice and experience. Using hand building techniques, however, even a beginner can create a mug that is destined to be a favorite! Choose from two different designs, then choose a glaze color from several options and pick up your glazed and fired mugs 1-2 weeks later.

Choose from three different day/time options: Wednesday morning, March 26, 9:00–12:00 noon; Thursday evening, March 27, 5:30–8:30; and Sunday afternoon, March 30, 2:30–5:30.

Looking to dive a little deeper than a one-day workshop will allow? Then look no further than the third offering, a longer workshop coming in early April…

Absolute beginners are absolutely welcome!

Have you ever wished your kitchen ceramics pieces matched each other? Or even better, that they were customized to your kitchen’s colors? Now’s your chance!

In Handbuild A Kitchen Suite – A Four-Part Workshop: Thursday evenings, 5:30–8:30 pm, April 3–24, 2025, over the course of four 3-hour sessions we will create several unique functional pieces using wet and dry slab building techniques. Projects include a butter dish, utensil caddy/wine chiller, sponge holder and napkin holder, (all food, microwave and dishwasher safe). Design templates revolve around nature themes, such as flowers, mountains and clouds, but students are encouraged to personalize their pieces to fit their own kitchen aesthetics.

There is so much more already posted on our Classes, Courses and Workshops page for the month of April! We have new kids’ workshops starting in late March (think Mother’s Day!) and a jewelry and bead-making class, but more about those in our next newsletter!

We’ll be also scheduling more one-day handbuilding workshops for April and May soon, too, so keep watching this space!

Meanwhile, enjoy the sunshine and come to see us soon at the Staunton Clayground! Let’s clay!

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