March Members-Only Workshop: Wheel-Throwing: Basic Trimming Skills – Thursday, March 13, 5:30–7:30 pm


This Members-Only Workshop is going to be a 2-hour lesson on trimming skills. Join Studio Manager, Jennifer Delare, on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30–7:30 pm, for this follow up on our February Members-Only Workshop on Basic Wet-Clay Work. Attendance of the February session isn’t necessary, however. Just bring along some ready-to-trim bowls (soft-leather or hard-leather stage of dryness) with bottoms thick enough to add feet (1/4” or thicker) and you’ll be ready to go!

 The focus of this session will be learning how to add a clean foot to our bowls and clean up the outside base to create a harmonious form and a graceful curve. Although we’ll be focusing on bowls here, the skills we’ll be going over in this workshop can be applied to adding a foot to any sort of wheel-thrown vessel. Only 8 spots are available in this workshop, so claim yours now!

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This Members-Only Workshop is going to be a 2-hour lesson on trimming skills. Join Studio Manager, Jennifer Delare, on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30–7:30 pm, for this follow up on our February Members-Only Workshop on Basic Wet-Clay Work. Attendance of the February session isn’t necessary, however. Just bring along some ready-to-trim bowls (soft-leather or hard-leather stage of dryness) with bottoms thick enough to add feet (1/4” or thicker) and you’ll be ready to go!

 The focus of this session will be learning how to add a clean foot to our bowls and clean up the outside base to create a harmonious form and a graceful curve. Although we’ll be focusing on bowls here, the skills we’ll be going over in this workshop can be applied to adding a foot to any sort of wheel-thrown vessel. Only 8 spots are available in this workshop, so claim yours now!

This Members-Only Workshop is going to be a 2-hour lesson on trimming skills. Join Studio Manager, Jennifer Delare, on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30–7:30 pm, for this follow up on our February Members-Only Workshop on Basic Wet-Clay Work. Attendance of the February session isn’t necessary, however. Just bring along some ready-to-trim bowls (soft-leather or hard-leather stage of dryness) with bottoms thick enough to add feet (1/4” or thicker) and you’ll be ready to go!

 The focus of this session will be learning how to add a clean foot to our bowls and clean up the outside base to create a harmonious form and a graceful curve. Although we’ll be focusing on bowls here, the skills we’ll be going over in this workshop can be applied to adding a foot to any sort of wheel-thrown vessel. Only 8 spots are available in this workshop, so claim yours now!

Please also note that your 10%-off member discount applies only to general Classes, Courses & Workshops, and not to Members-Only workshops, which are already offered at a nominal fee (of $25, in this case), especially for you!

How to prepare for this class you ask? Once again, you can sign up for our February Members-Only Workshop - Wheel-Throwing Refresher: Basic Wet-Clay Work – Thursday, February 27, 5:30–7:30 pm and learn how to throw the sort of pieces we’ll be trimming in this class, but that isn’t necessary. Bring along some ready-to-trim bowls (soft-leather or hard-leather stage of dryness) with bottoms thick enough to add feet (1/4” or thicker) and you’ll be ready to go!

Members-Only Workshop – Handbuilding Bunny Napkin Holders With Abby: Saturday, April 5, 2025, 12:00–3:00 pm
Members-Only Workshop - Crafting Creatures with Abby - BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:30–8:30 pm
February Members-Only Workshop - Wheel-Throwing: Basic Wet-Clay Work – Thursday, February 27, 5:30–7:30 pm